Decay of ice sheets – Interactive Icesheet dynamics in AWI-ESM

Funding programm: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Funding identification number (FZK): 01LP2313A
Cost (Kostenstelle): DM 87011017
Project duration: January 01 2024 - December 31 2026
Applicants: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann | Dr. Gregor Knorr
PostDoc:     Dr. Lars Ackermann


The main goal of this project is to improve our understanding of the interrelating processes between ice sheets and other compartments of the climate system during the last deglaciation and long-term future. For this, we model the climate of the last deglaciation and the future physically consistent with a fully-coupled Earth System Model with interactive ice sheets (AWI-ESM developed during PalMod Phase I and II. We will compare the modeled climate trajectory of the past with proxy data and study future changes of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. Further, we will identify whether abrupt events may occur in the future. 



Barker, S. and G. Knorr   (2021): Millennial scale feedbacks determine the shape and rapidity of glacial termination. Nature Commun. 12, 2273. 

Lohmann, G.   , Butzin, M., Eissner, N., Shi, X., & Stepanek, C. (2020): Abrupt climate and weather changes across time scales. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, e2019PA003782. 

Sun, Y., Knorr, G., Zhang, X., Tarasov, L., Barker, S., Werner, M. and G. Lohmann (2022): Ice sheet decline and rising atmospheric CO2control AMOC sensitivity to deglacial meltwater discharge. Global and Planetary Change 210. 

Knorr, G. , S. Barker, X. Zhang, G. Lohmann, X. Gong, P. Gierz, C. Stepanek, L. Stap (2021): A salty deep ocean as a prerequisite for glacial termination, Nature Geoscience,14, 930–936 (2021). 

Zhang, X., Knorr, G., Lohmann, G. and S. Barker (2017): Abrupt North Atlantic circulation changes in response to gradual CO2 forcing in a glacial climate state, Nature Geoscience, 10, 518-523, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2974 

Ackermann, L., C. Danek, P. Gierz, and G. Lohmann (2020): AMOC recovery in a multi-centennial scenario using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (16), e2019GL086810, DOI:10.1029/2019GL086810