Dr. Coen Hofstede ORCID


Coen Hofstede
Abteilung Glaziologie
Verwandte Seite
E-Mail Coen Hofstede
Telefonnummer +49(471)4831-1174
Fax +49(471)4831-1149
Adresse Alfred Wegener Institut

Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
(Gebäude D | Raum 3370)

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Veröffentlichungen, Präsentationen und Berichte: EPIC repository
Daten: PANGAEA repository

Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

Active seismic surveying on ice sheets, ice streams and ice shelves. Identification of subglacial material and the glaciological interpretation of the surveys.

Developing new seismic surveying and monitoring techniques.


- Dynamics and subglacial hydrology of ice streams

- Ice Ocean interaction of glaciers and ice shelves

- Identify the subglacial material and subglacial hydrology of ice streams and the sheet-shelf transition area using active reflection seismics (profiling and Amplitude versus Angle (AVA) data). In the field we focus on high quality, high production, data collection by using a combination of a streamer and seismic vibrator or detonating cord.