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OpenMODs platforms in a teaching module

As a module within the NF-POGO CofE 2022 at the AWI two OpenMODs platforms were used to introduce the topic of low cost sensors in observational oceanography. The aim of the module was a) to test the two sets including drifter and probe, b) to find a work around in preparing the set ups and deploying them and c) to develop a handbook like manual for usage. The two platforms used were equipped with LoRa* data transmission and temperature depth (TD) probe for temperature and pressure (depth) measurement and a gateway for data reception. 
The scholars successfully set up the gateway by connecting it to the network through a cell phone that acted as a hot spot. Through a user account which was created on the ttn site (an open source platform to monitor the gathered data) the visualization and collection of data sent by the probe could be possible. The TD probe interfaced correctly with the gateway via the LoRa module and data were received properly. 
A stress test has been performed at sea with repeated launches of the OpenMODs platform as drifter mode also from relevant height. The TD probes and the LoRa module have been mounted on the platform (drifter mode) and have been tested at sea. 
The training unit was very successful in terms of increased knowledge on the maintenance and improvements to the system. The scholars gained hands on knowledge on low cost devices and developed a deep understanding of the underlying processes and possible pitfalls. As two products, a manual and a video on the maintenance and launching of the devices, were produced by the scholars. These products will be formatted and prove read within the duration of this NF-POGO CofE cohort. 
* Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery operated ‘things’ to the internet in regional, national or global networks, and targets key Internet of things


first day (s)

second day

third and fourth day