Archive for German Polar Research (Archiv für deutsche Polarforschung - AdP)

About the Archive

The AdP was founded in 2011 on the basis of the Bremen Archive Act and has since worked as the memory of the AWI and German polar and marine research.

The archive appraises documents from these areas and from the Institute for their archival value and takes them over as archival material. In addition, the archive keeps these important records, preserves them and restores them. Furthermore, the AdP describes the archive material according to archival principles and makes it usable and accessible for archive users. Similarly, it processes supplementary collections on the history of polar and marine research and the personal papers of polar and marine researchers. Furthermore, the AdP is involved in researching and communicating the history of German polar and marine research, with a special focus on the history of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute.

The AdP is a cooperative member of the International Council on Archives (ICA), the Association of German Archivists (VdA - Verband deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e. V.) and the Bremen Archives Working Group.

Head Archivist

Dr. Christian Salewski, Dipl.-Arch.

Am Alten Hafen 26

27568 Bremerhaven

E-Mail: archive[at]

Phone: +49 471 4831-2273

Fax: +49 471 4831-2342

Archive Use

Who may use the Archive?

The archive may be used by anyone who can credibly substantiate a legitimate interest - e.g. by academics, journalists or interested laypersons.

Further Information

Information and Knowledge Ressources


from 23.07.2024

Call: The AdP asks all polar and marine researchers as well as all institute employees to hand over to it their old, no longer needed documents and materials related to their work and/or related to the AWI.


AdP online retrieval system: With the help of comprehensive descriptions, archive users can obtain thorough information about 40 different holdings, personal papers and other collections in the AGPR online search under "Register"/"Bestandsbeschreibung". In addition, a good 2,700 datasets are now available for searching there.

Although written in German, these descriptions can give English readers with some knowlegde of German a greater insight in the contents of the AdP.