• MICROLAKE project - Dynamics of micropollutants and high affinity particulate matter in Lake Kinneret and its watershed

  • European Unions’ Horizon 2020 Project EUROqCHARM - EUROpean Quality Controlled Harmonisation Assuring Reproducible Monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution (PI: Sebastian Primpke, Gunnar Gerdts)

  • JPI-O/BMBF Project FACTS - Fluxes and Fate of Microplastics in Northern European Waters (PI: Gunnar Gerdts, Sebastian Primpke)

  • P-LEACH Project- Impacts on ecosystem functions and human health by environmental plastics and associated chemicals (Helmholtz Project, PIs: Yaqing Duan, Sebastian Primpke and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • Microplastics in the North Sea (in-house project; PIs: Claudia Lorenz (DBU stipend), Sebastian Primpke and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • Fram Pollution Observatory / Microplastics in the Arctic (in-house project; PIs: Melanie Bergmann, Ilka Peeken and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • “Microplastics Reactor” and “Sediment Separator” (in-house technology transfer projects; PI: Gunnar Gerdts)

  • Biofilms on Microplastics (in-house project; PIs: Inga Kirstein, Antje Wichels and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • JPI-O/BMBF project BASEMAN - Defining the baselines and standards for microplastics analyses in European waters (PIs: Sebastian Primpke and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • WT.SH project “Size is important” (PIs: Michaela Meyns and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • BMBF/FONA project PLAWES - Mikroplastikkontamination im Modellsystem Weser – Nationalpark Wattenmeer: ein ökosystemübergreifender Ansatz (PI: Gunnar Gerdts, Antje Wichels)

  • BMWi-ZIM project PLAMOWA „MP Reaktor“ (PI: Gunnar Gerdts)

  • BIS Project TRAMIS - Translokation von Mikroplastik in Speisefischen (PI: Gunnar Gerdts, Matthew James Slater (ZAF))

  • AWI Strategy funding project OMAP - Oysters and mussels under anthropogenic pressure: Does microplastic limit the tolerance to climate change of ecologically and economically important bivalves? (PI: Gunnar Gerdts, Christian Bock (Integrative Ecophysiology))

  • UBA-UFOPLAN project - Folgebewertung und Etablierung einer Langzeitüberwachung der Belastung verschiedener Meeresbereiche und Biota durch marine Abfälle (Meeresmüll) (PI: Gunnar Gerdts)

  • DFG project Deep-MiPoll - The role of hadal zones in the long-term fate of marine microplastics: Identification of microplastics in the deep sea of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, Northwest Pacific (PIs: Angelika Brandt (Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung), Gunnar Gerdts)

  • The role of marine fungi in marine ecosystems (in-house project; PIs: Gunnar Gerdts, Antje Wichels and Marlis Reich (Univ. Bremen))

  • ZIM Project CleBaWa - Clean Ballast Water. Identification and Quantification of potential human pathogenic Vibrios in situ and in contaminated ballast water (PIs: Sidika Hackbusch and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • DFG/ANR Project ENVICOPAS - Impact of Environmental Changes on Coastal Pathogen Systems (PIs: Mathias Wegner and Gunnar Gerdts)

  • DAAD Project ʺLytic and lysogenic Vibrio phages: Incidence of lateral gene transfer on the host (PIs Alexa Garin-Fernandez and Antje Wichels

  • DFG Project POMPU - Proteogenomics Of Marine Polysaccharide Utilization (PIs Thomas Schweder, Rudolf Amann et al, associate partners Gunnar Gerdts, Karen Wiltshire)

  • Bacteriophages from bacterial key taxa in the course of a spring bloom off Helgoland (PIs Nina Heinzmann, Rudolf Amann, Bernhard Fuchs, Antje Wichels)