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Price for Arctic documentary

The research vessel Polarstern at the North Pole.
[24. July 2024]  The documentary "Expedition Arktis 2 – Tauchfahrt am Nordpol" (Expedition Arctic 2 – Traveling underwater at the North Pole) by Philipp Grieß and Manuel Ernst has received the German Environment and Sustainability Award at NaturVision Film Festival. The festival is one of the largest international film festivals for nature and environmental topics. The award-winning film accompanies researchers during the ArcWatch-expedition. The prize is sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg.

Antje Boetius visits MELT Festival

[12. July 2024]  As part of the MELT Festival, the CarbonCycleCultureClub (C4), a discussion and thinking format organized by Forum Rathenau, took place at the Zschornewitz power plant. The main topic of the discussion was 'Blue Carbon: Achieving climate goals with natural CO2 storage?'. Besides music producer and biologist Jayda G, Antje Boetius also took part in the discussion. The AWI director explained the importance of blue carbon ecosystems for climate protection. 

AWI scientist at UN High Level Political Forum

UN High Level Political Forum
[10. July 2024]  AWI researcher Lauri Hofmann participated in a side event of the UN High Level Political Forum Event in New York. The topic of the event was macroalgae. In her presentation and as part of a panel, Lauri Hofmann spoke about the importance of macroalgae biobanks and their contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More Info

AWI researchers at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Simone Maria Stünzi & Luisa von Albedyll
[08. July 2024]  The AWI researchers Luisa von Albedyll and Simone Maria Stünzi participated in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. There, they engaged in discourse with Nobel laureates and young scientists. Luisa von Albedyll presented her work on Arctic sea ice to a broad audience in the "Scientific Exchange Among Young Scientists" session.

Boris Herrmann at AWI

Group photo
[04. July 2024]  The German sailor Boris Herrmann visited the AWI: The founder of the Team Malizia sailing team met with scientists at the AWI to discuss his new project - a new sailing boat that will be dedicated to research and science communication. The aim is to initiate a long-term cooperation between Boris Herrmann and the AWI so that scientific measurements can also be taken on the boat.
