Dr. Felix Mark ORCID


Felix Mark
Abteilung Integrative Ökophysiologie
Verwandte Seite
E-Mail Felix Mark
Telefonnummer +49(471)4831-1015
Fax +49(471)4831-1149
Adresse Alfred Wegener Institut

Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
(Gebäude E | Raum 2535)

Veröffentlichungen und mehr

Daten: PANGAEA repository
ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Orcid

Externe Aufgaben (Verantwortlichkeiten)

Ocean Acidification & Warming: BIOACID I co-coordination, BIOACID II & III consortium leader (see also: youtu.be/ChTwNCree1o) ++


Antarctic Research: Several Projects in DFG SPP 1158 Antarktisforschung (www.spp-antarktisforschung.de) ++


Cephalopod culture


My field of work is integrative ecophysiology of marine ectotherms, in which I combine molecular and organismic approaches to investigate an organism's response and adaptation towards ecological and environmental challenges. Current projects include: ++ Synergistic effects of ocean acidification & warming on marine vertebrates & invertebrates ++ Temperature adaptation& mitochondrial energy metabolism in Antarctic fish ++ Cephalopod energy metabolism ++ Haemocyanin form, function and differential expression in Cephalopods ++ Human bicycle training in adverse environments (flat, windy & moist...) ++;Researcher ID: www.researcherid.com/rid/P-4759-2016