New methods allow production of premium caviar from live sturgeon

The AWI licences out patented methods to sturgeon farmers and caviar producers for caviar production without killing the sturgeons. After several years of extensive research, considerable progress has been made which are now patented by AWI. The new approaches improve the caviar quality and have a strong impact on the logistics in caviar trade.

Natural metabolic processes during the activation of fish eggs serve as a model for the new methods. The spawning season in spring is simulated in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) and the mature eggs are gently massaged out of the live female fish so that the valuable fish remain alive for many generations. Consequently, the production costs of caviar are reduced extensively because the fish do not have to be raised for years for each new egg harvest. Only mature live eggs can be used for the AWI process. This caviar contains all the unaltered natural components, including the valuable oils as flavour carriers.

The caviar obtained with this process has many advantages, not only for the environment or the producer but also for the caviar quality and, thus for sellers and the consumer. You can find more information on this below.

These new methods are also applicable to all relevant fish and crustacean species and are patented in the relevant countries.

Licence requests can be addressed to:

AWI Technology Transfer

Telephone: +49 471 4831 1517

Advice for licence holders is provided primarily by:

AKAZIE GmbH & Co KG (inventor Dr Angela Köhler)