
The overarching goal of the Atmospheric Physics section is to improve the understanding of polar atmospheric processes and their interactions with sea ice and ocean in the global context. We combine long term observations from ground stations and innovative measurements from airborne platforms and research vessels with the development of process scale models that feed into improving the representation of polar processes in regional to global scale climate models. We run the Arctic research station AWIPEV on Svalbard and the meteorological and atmospheric observatory at the Antarctic research station Neumayer. Pan polar airborne and research balloon sounding campaigns are complemented by measurements in other regions of the world, e.g., with the current temporary operation of a research station in the West Pacific on Palau.



Head of Section
Prof Dr Markus Rex

Dr Annette Rinke
Dr Felix Pithan

Sabine Helbig (Pots)
Marco Sandmann (Brhv)