Unicellular planktonic organisms such as diatoms constitute the most important basis of marine food webs. They make a major contribution to global primary production and have an essential effect on the oceans’ biogeochemistry. Marine key taxa like krill, fish, and whales basically depend on them. The diatoms’ success is largely due to the development of complex, species-specific silica shells - the frustules - , which protect them against predators such as copepods and krill.

We explore the principles that turn the exoskeletons (shells) of these organisms into extremely light and stable constructions. We found that the shells’ highly complex geometries have a large share in these characteristics. Based on these research results, we developed the bionic product creation process ELiSE in 2005, which we have continuously improved ever since.

Recently, we started projects to examine the nanostructure and morphogenesis of diatom shells in order to be able to optimally adapt the ELiSE process  to highly developed composite material and manufacturing techniques like investment casting or Additive Manufacturing (AM). Reversely, we use new developments from industrial projects, such as the parametric optimization with the aid of genetic algorithms, to obtain new findings on the functional morphology of plankton organisms. Furthermore, we develop and apply microscopic analyses and 3D reconstructions, micromechanical tests, culture experiments, and ecologic examinations.

We aim at systematically refining fundamental research, applied research, and product development in the field of lightweight design in nature and technique, consequentially using strong synergy effects. We therefore closely cooperate with other divisions in AWI, particularly the Friedrich Hustedt Diatom Study Centre and the Polar Biological Oceanography, application-oriented institutes like KIT, organizations like BioKon and VDI as well as industrial companies from diverse sectors.

Latest News

May 2024: New voluntary position in our working grup. Further information can be found here (only german language). Applications are possible until 30.06.2024.

Febr. 23, 2024: 5. Lightweighting Summit “Lightweight construction as a transformation technology for the resource turnaround" at the Hannover Messe: Lecture by Christian Hamm

Febr. 2024: Cover-Story: Our paper "Natural Frequencies of Diatom Shells" is used on the cover of the current issue of the Biomimetics Journal

Jan. 2024: Veröffentlichung: S. Andresen, S.K. Linnemann, A.B. Ahmad Basri, O. Savysko, C. Hamm (2024): Natural Frequencies of Diatom Shells: Alteration of Eigenfrequencies Using Structural Patterns Inspired by Diatoms, Biomimetics 2024, 9, 85

Jan. 2024: Veröffentlichung: S.K. Linnemann, L. Friedrichs, N. Niebuhr (2024): Stress-Adaptive Stiffening Structures Inspired by Diatoms: A Parametric Solution for Lightweight Surfa, Biomimetics 2024

Dec. 2023 Publication: Kuhlmann et al. (2023): A bio-inspired, monolithic catalyst support structure for optimized conductive heat removal in catalytic reactors. Checmical Engineering Research Data

Dec. 2023 Publication: Laraudogoitia et al. (2023): Bioinspired Design for Lightweighting and Vibration Behavior Optimization in Large-Scale Aeronautical Tooling: A Comparative Study. Machines. 11(12). 1067

07.11.2023 Université Côte d'Azur, Nizza: Hamm, C.: "Unexpected potentials of marine resources" (lecture)

Nov. 2023: Geometry & Aesthetics Survey: Geometric Beauty

03. and 04.11.2023: Berlin Science Week (exhibition)

12.10.2023  DLR Science Day: Hamm, C.: Potential of AI in bionic lightweight construction (lecture)

13.05.2023  10. Bionic Congress: Kaiser, N.: Development of a bio-inspired catalyst structure modelled on marine microorganisms (lecture)

12.05.2023  10. Bionic Congress: Andresen, S.: Bio-inspired methods to avoid vibraton problems in leightweight structures (Vortrag)

30.03.2023  Publication: Kaiser et al. (2023) Advanced manufacturing concept of a bio-inspired reaction wheel rotor for small- and medium-sized constellation satellites. CEAS Space Journal

23.03.2023  Publication: Breish, F., Hamm, C., Kienzler R. (2023) Diatom-inspired stiffness optimization for plates and cellular solids. Bioinspir.  Biomim. 18(3)

Oct. 2022  Award: As part of BioFly-Democase team, the project team was awarded  for the best academic project at MetalMadrid 2022.

Oct. 2022  Video: Presentation of the OASIS project, in which we have developed bio-inspired designs for different fields (link to the video).

Sept. 2022  AWI spin-off ELISE GmbH receives 14.5 million euros to digitise engineering knowledge (in german language)

Head of Unit
Dr. Christian Hamm

Assistance / Website
Sandra Coordes

Here you can find our tenders for theses.

Talk by Dr. Hamm as part of the "Wissenschaft fürs Wohnzimmer" series

BioFLY video for Advanced Manufacturing Awards 2022